Frage! Begegne! Spiele!
Question! Encounter! Play! Fostering encounter, inclusion and creativity between young people through art
Frage! Begegne! Spiele!

Question! Encounter! Play! is an inclusive arts learning program that aims to bring together young people from different places around the world through Anthroposophy and art.
In a week of creative collaboration, participants live and work at the Goetheanum Campus, creating a theatre play from scratch, embodying in the process values of human dignity and community spirit.
Anthroposophy in Action

Under the guidance of a team of social workers, educators and artists working with the General Anthroposophical Section, the Youth Section at the Goetheanum and the Anthroposophical Society in Switzerland, the participants create an entire play together.
They write the script, act, make costumes, design sets and compose original music. This hands-on experience brings Anthroposophy to life, promoting personal development and a strong sense of community.
After an intensive week of work, the project culminates in a final open-air performance, shared with the public at the Goetheanum Campus.
Past Editions
In October 2024, the project successfully completed its fourth edition, and we eagerly await the upcoming fifth edition in 2025.
For a glimpse into the transformative journey of this initiative, watch the 2024 video documentary.
You can also view the recordings of previous editions below.
▶ Watch the 2023 edition video documentary
▶ Watch the 2022 edition video documentary
Collaboration and Support
In 2024 the program ran in collaboration with Caritas Schweiz, The Necessary Teacher Training College and The Youth Initiative Program.
The project would not be possible without the support of the Goetheanum’s Gartnerei, Betriebsdienst team and Costume department, as well as the financial support from the Edith Maryon Stiftung, Mahle Stiftung, Movetia's Youth In Action Program, Stiftung Freie Gemeinschaftsbank and Swisslos.