Alumni meeting

Alumni meeting

29 August 2019 Sebastian Jüngel 13183 views

From 1 to 5 July the first Goetheanum Studies alumni meeting took place at the Goetheanum. The gathering took the form of a study week on the consciousness soul.

When we study we create a space that allows us to acquire new skills. We also form a community with our co-students. After that, life goes on. But how? Edda Nehmiz, the coordinator of the Goetheanum Studies, fulfilled a long-held wish and organized an alumni meeting with the help of former students.

The organizers found it important to start off with real relationships. Using the available data base (from 1999) they contacted around 400 people by email. 65 of them came: from Mexiko, Argentina, Brazil, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, China, Japan and the Philippines. The faculty – Constanza Kaliks, Edda Nehmiz, Bodo von Plato, Robin Schmidt, Virginia Sease and Joan Sleigh – provided both a concrete study opportunity and the possibility for the alumni to share with each other how the impulses from their studies had affected their professional life.

During the meeting Edda Nehmiz felt that «Everything came back. We know each other without necessarily knowing each other personally.» Everyone hopes that the circle will grow and the request goes out to other alumni to get in touch. The plan at the moment is to hold such meetings every three years or so, not least in order to support the forming of a living network.

The first donations have arrived in the Alumni Fund, which will primarily serve to help with the tuition fees of future students.

Contact Edda Nehmiz,