Applying the Goethean Scientific Method in Pipe Organ Tonal Finishing

Applying the Goethean Scientific Method in Pipe Organ Tonal Finishing

13 July 2024 Kenneth Palmowski-Wolfe 787 views

with other philosophical and practical ideas applicable to artistic voicing work


This article could not have been written without the experience gained through collaborating with my first mentor, Yves Champagne of Casavant Fréres, with David Pike and Stephen Kowalyshyn of C.B. Fisk, and as well through freelance work with many other coworkers over a period of more than 40 years. Gratitude is also due to Andrea de la Cruz of the Anthroposophical Studies Program at the Goetheanum, for conceiving, guiding and promoting this aspect of the curriculum; to Esther Gerster for inspiring the frontispiece sketch; and to Benno Otter for introducing the Goethean Scientific Method in classes and acting as mentor for this Student Project, which finally gives a voice to many ideas that I have for many years wanted to express in writing.

Read full paper (PDF) here

Kenneth Palmowski-Wolfe, Basel, Switzerland - Anthroposophy Studies Program 2023-2024