
Estudios de Antroposofía en el Campus

La Antroposofía es un camino para comprender el ser humano y nuestra relación con el mundo. Estudiar en una comunidad diversa en el campus del Goetheanum es una experiencia única que brinda la posibilidad de ampliar las perspectivas, mejorar la capacidad de pensar creativamente y obtener nuevas percepciones.

Sobre el Curso

Tiempo Completo
Presencial | Goetheanum Campus
Trimestre de otoño: 6 de octubre - 19 de diciembre de 2025
Trimestre de invierno: 12 de enero - 27 de marzo de 2026
Trimestre de primavera: 13 de abril - 26 de junio de 2026

Los Estudios de Antroposofía en el Campus están dirigidos a cualquier persona que busca una comprensión del trabajo de Rudolf Steiner y sobre cómo la Antroposofía se relaciona con diferentes campos.

Las clases teóricas se llevan a cabo junto con actividades artísticas y excursiones que complementan el proceso de aprendizaje en un ambiente de estudio internacional. El programa incluye el estudio de libros de Rudolf Steiner, seminarios semanales sobre diferentes temas de la Antroposofía, clases artísticas y de observación de la naturaleza.

Los participantes pueden optar por anotarse en todo el programa o un trimestre. No hay requisitos para este curso, aparte de un buen conocimiento de la lengua inglesa.

Equipo Docente

Bodo von Plato

Born in Germany in 1958. Studied modern history, philosophy and Waldorf education. Teacher at a Steiner school in Paris. 1991-2003: Hardenberg Institute in Heidelberg. From 2001 to 2018: member of the Executive Board of the General Anthroposophical Society and the Executive Board of the School of Spiritual Science. Since 2019: Stiftung Kulturimpuls in Berlin, research and projects on contemporary symptoms.

Constanza Kaliks

*1967 EN CHILE

Constanza Kaliks estudió Matemáticas y Pedagogía Waldorf y se doctoró en Ciencias Pedagógicas en la Universidad de São Paulo (BR), con tesina sobre Nicolás de Cusa. Fue profesora de Pedagogía Waldorf y profesora de formación de profesores en São Paulo. De 2012 a 2022 dirigió la Sección de los Jóvenes del Goetheanum. Desde 2015 es miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Antroposófica General, desde 2020 miembro del Consejo de Dirección de la Sección Antroposófica General y desde 2022 directora de la Sección Pedagógica del Goetheanum.

Constanza Kaliks está casada y tiene dos hijos.

Matthias Rang

Born 1973 in Germany. Studied physics, 2007 research stay at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Since then he has been working as a Research Fellow in the Natural Science Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. 2015 Doctorate at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, and since 2020 responsible for the leadership of the Natural Science Section together with Johannes Wirz.

Nathaniel Williams

Nathaniel Williams founded the Free Columbia training site with Laura Summer, where he directed the M.C. Richards program. He studied art and puppetry in Basel, Switzerland, and graduated in fine arts from the Neue Kunstschule in 2002. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Albany and works as a performer, teacher and artist. Currently he is the head of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum.

Philipp Reubke

Born in Stuttgart, studied philosophy and German language and literature, has worked as a Waldorf teacher in France since 1989, first as a German teacher at the Waldorf School in Colmar, since 1996 as a Waldorf kindergarten teacher, from 2011 to 2020 member of the coordination group of IASWECE (International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education), member of the International Forum, since October 2020 Head of the Pedagogical Section.

Barbara Schnetzler

Barbara Schnetzler is a freelance sculptor living in Basel and Mulhouse. Born and raised in Basel. She trained as a sculptor at the Sculpture School in Müllheim from 2002 to 2006, Diploma in St. Gallen. Regular exhibitions at home and abroad, her works are represented in various galleries, i.e. in the Würth Collection, various private collections and in public spaces. Curator of various exhibitions (including the Christmas exhibition 100 Nativities, Forum Würth Arlesheim; sculpture exhibition "Living Balance", Goetheanum). Since 2007 she has been an art mediator at the Forum Würth Arlesheim, lecturer at the pedagogical academy in Dornach and at the sculpture school Campo Altissimo in Pietrasanta. She regularly works for the peace organization “Ekta Parishad” in India. Since 2020 she represents sculpture and curated the exhibition activities at the Goetheanum until summer 2022. Leader of the art studios at the Goetheanum.

Benno Otter

Geboren 1959 in den Niederlanden. Ausbildung zum biologisch-dynamischen Gärtner, danach Praxisjahre in Irland in einem Heim für behinderte Erwachsene. Dort war er verantwortlich für den Gemüseanbau. Seit 1982 ist er als Gärtner in der Gärtnerei am Goetheanum in Dornach, Schweiz, tätig, 1985 übernahm er die Leitung der Gärtnerei.

Esther Gerster

Geboren 1957 in der Schweiz. Studierte Kunst an der Goetheanistischen Studienstätte Wien, Österreich, arbeitete an der Deckenmalerei des Grossen Saales im Goetheanum in Dornach, Schweiz, mit. Sie war Vorstand und Generalsekretärin der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft in der Schweiz. Heute gibt sie Malunterricht in den Goetheanum Anthroposophical Studies, bei der Lehrerbildung, in den Klassen 8-12 einer Waldorfschule, leitet Malkurse, Ausstellungen und koordiniert Führungen und Besichtigungen am Goetheanum.

Ioana Fărcășanu

Born in Bucharest, Romania, Ioana Fărcășanu graduated from the U.N.A.T.C National University of Theatre and Film "Ion Luca Caragiale" - Screenwriting, Bucharest 2004-2008. Following her graduation, she trained and performed with the Logos Theatre, experimental studio for art and speech, from 2008 to 2014. This led her to further training in Eurythmy at the Eurythmeum CH from 2014 to 2017. She has collaborated on various notable projects as a Eurythmist, including "Faust" and "Parsifal" at the Goetheanum. Since 2023, she participates in the Mystery Dramas in the role of Maria. She has been member of the Goetheanum Eurythmy Ensemble since September 2023.


Andrea De La Cruz

Born in 1989 in Madrid, Spain. Andrea is a coworker at the General Anthroposophical Section and the coordinator of the Studies and Further Education Department at the Goetheanum. She studied Education (M.A.), Waldorf Pedagogy, Theatre Practice (BA) and Community Theatre (BA). Since 2011 she has been active as project manager, researcher and facilitator in adult education, youth work and the cultural industries.